This sermon was preached at WPC Belconnen’s evening service on June 20, 2021. Peter led the service and read the Bible passage, Jonah 3 and 4. Darren gave the Bible talk.
In our sermon series on the book of Jonah, we have seen God showing amazing, even outrageous grace to Israel’s most hated enemies. And we see God showing grace to a disobedient prophet – a prophet who has disobeyed God because he did not trust God to punish Nineveh as Jonah wanted them to be punished. Jonah did not trust that God knew what He was doing. And yet, God did not dispense with or destroy this disobedient prophet. God rather taught Jonah about His grace and His yearning love for the lost. Jonah had to learn to trust God even when God’s will did not match Jonah’s will. Like Jonah, God graciously teaches us to trust Him too – even when we don’t understand the things that happen around us or to us. And God wants us to understand His grace is to be preached to all nations and people – even our enemies.