Christmas Services 2016 @ WPCB (All are welcome!)


Christmas Services 2016 @ WPCB (All are welcome!)

We will have our usual services on Sundays during the Christmas period, but a few things will be a little different…

18 December…

  • 9:30am service as usual, our sermon is entitled “Messy Christmas”, from Matthew 1.
  • 5:00pm Fellowship Tea in the evening, an earlier start than usual. If you are able, bring some food to share for dinner and dessert, and we’ll have a special end-of-year fellowship time together.

25 December…

  • 9:30am service as usual, our sermon is entitled “Christmas Cleanup”, from Matthew 1.
  • 6:30pm usual start time, but will be less formal than usual, and we’ll share dinner together afterwards. (Feel free to bring Christmas lunch leftovers if you have any!)


Anyone is welcome to any of these gatherings 🙂