This sermon was preached via Zoom at our Sunday morning service on September 19, 2021, when our church was unable to gather due to covid restrictions in place at the time. The passage studied is Ephesians 5:3-21. This message was preached as part of a series working through the Book of Ephesians. The following is a brief introduction to the sermon.
Walking before the face of God – in a loving relationship with God as our Heavenly Father – as people forgiven of our sin and washed clean of our impurity by the blood of Christ – is a key theme of Ephesians. Paul devotes the first three chapters to encouraging his readers, and praising God for all that He has done, is doing and will do for all who are saved in Jesus. Having encouraged us by telling us the ways in which God is lavishing his riches and power on us, Paul now urges us to walk in light of these truths! We are to walk in a manner – and a direction – that is in harmony with our new nature – reborn children of God, men and women of the eternal Kingdom of God – willing followers of King Jesus. In other words, our ‘do’ is to match our ‘who’. We are children of God, and we are to walk – or conduct ourselves – as children of God.