This sermon was preached at WPC Belconnen’s Sunday morning service on October 31, 2021. This sermon expounds Acts 3:1-26.
In Acts 3, a man born paralysed is healed in the name and power of Jesus – mirroring the healing Jesus gave to a man born paralysed about three years ago near the start of His earthly ministry. By giving us a detailed account of the healing of a crippled man by Jesus, and then later by Jesus through Peter, Luke is showing us that the work of Jesus begun in His ministry continued in the work of His Church. God was declaring to all Israel that Jesus was and is alive and still healing, still saving, even though He had returned to heaven and was now acting through the Spirit of God, who had come upon Jesus’ disciples. This is the message of the Gospel that is preached throughout Acts – and echoed in the letters of the New Testament. It is the same good news that you and I, as followers of Jesus, are to share today.